Saturday, 31 October 2009

304/365 - Happy Portumn

Spent the evening at WA's drinking port. The star of the show was this amazing 1948 Graham's. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how much he paid for it but it was absolutely delicious.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

304/365 - Left Overs

In a break from my usual Halloween tradition of turning out all the lights and pretending not to be in, I decided to buy some fun size bars just in case.

These are all that were left at the end of the night, Skittles are more popular than Bounty it would appear.

Oh well all the more for me.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Friday, 30 October 2009

303/365 - All by myself

L left to go to Africa (Burkina Faso) for a few weeks today. She's off doing some charity work. She left Bison Bison behind though, I tried to hide him in her bag!

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

303/365 - Anchors away!

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Thursday, 29 October 2009

302/365 - Boom Boom!

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

302/365 - New Toy

Thx Lou!

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

300/365 - 300!!

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

300/365 - Oh yes!

Three hundred baby! We are so nearly there now - woo hoo. Sorry if this is a bit rubbish but it turns out taking photos of a steamy mirror isn't as easy as it looks. I love how this project makes me try and photograph stuff I wouldn't have otherwise. I especially like it when I try something for the first time and it comes out really good but even if, like today, it is a bit of a failure it is still good a learning experience.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Monday, 26 October 2009

299/365 - 100% Cambridge

I think this photo just sums up Cambridge. A punt filled with discarded Champagne bottles!

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

299/365 - Autumn leaves

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Sunday, 25 October 2009

298/365 - Autumnal Sunset

Should have used the grad filters here, but I didn't have them to hand and the sun was setting fast.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

298/365 - Pete

Pete and Labhaoise are over this weekend. It is great to see them and it is the first time Labhaoise has met baby.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Saturday, 24 October 2009

297/365 - Architecture

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

297/365 - Autumn Colours

Taken while out walking with baby. Just after I took this photo I met a lady who was riding her bike throught the village stopping every few metres to pick up litter. We chatted for a bit and I was really impressed that someone was taking the time to clean up our village (maybe I'll take ouot a bag and collect some litter next time I go out for a walk with the pram).

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Friday, 23 October 2009

296/365 - Busy Busy Busy

I forgot how busy the UK, and Londong in particular, is. I've only been away just under two years but I've got very used to the Irish pace of life.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

296/365 - Spikey

For the first time ever I think I see what the architect was thinking when they designed this building. From every other angle it just looks like an ugly mess with bizare shapes and pointy bits from here it comes together to look interesting and almost organic.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

294/365 - Blue

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

294/365 - Chevrons

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

293/365 - Safe and sound

Lego Pete is all safe after his adventure yesterday!

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

293/365 - Geometry

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Saturday, 17 October 2009

290/365 - Caffine

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

290/365 - The stage is set

I spent the whole day taking photo's at a women's church conference. I now have over 1400 shots to process (not all mine - there were two other photographers) so I'm going to be pretty busy for the next week :)

During the conference our freind Matt suprised everyone by proposing to his girlfriend live on stage. The whole conference was in tears (remember it was a women only conference) as he serenaded her and dropped to one knee.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Friday, 16 October 2009

289/365 - Drinking buddy

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

289/365 - Feeling Brighter

Well first of all let me apologize for the lack of posts this week, I've been signed off work for a week with gastroenteritis and have spent a lot of time sleeping.

I've created a series of photos that recreate my recovery over the last week.

I haven't set the publish dates accordingly as I didn't actually take them on the dates, but they should appear in order on the blog.


See the rest of my photostream on flickr

288/365 - Mario is good for you

I felt better today so I dusted off the DS and played Mario a bit.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

287/365 - Recovery

L brought me magazines and 7Up to aid my recovery.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

286/365 - M3ds

On this day I visited the Doctor, he gave me medicine!

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

285/365 - International Movie Sleeping Position

I spent most of this day alsepp due to illness, this photo is a reconstruction of the event!

In it I have adopted what I call the 'International Movie Sleeping Position' this is the position people in movies always seem to wake up in. For a good example of this see the end of 'Back To the Future'.

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Monday, 12 October 2009

Friday, 9 October 2009

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

280/365 - Retro Gaming

I spent this evening playing 'Bug Hunter II : Bug hunter in Space' using a combination of Acorn emulators and knowledge that have been lying dormant in my brain for the last 13 years!

It was awesome!

See the rest of my photostream on flickr

280/365 - First ever trip on public transport

on a DLR train

See the rest of my photostream on flickr